Pelvic Floor Therapy

We use personalized physical therapy treatments with a whole-body approach.

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a crucial and often overlooked aspect of healthcare. From postpartum recovery to addressing issues like incontinence or pelvic pain, this specialized form of therapy has gained significant attention in recent years. 

The pelvic floor, a group of muscles supporting the pelvic organs, plays a fundamental role in various bodily functions. However, when these muscles become weak or dysfunctional, it can lead to a range of problems.  Pelvic floor physical therapy aims to address these issues through a variety of techniques. Therapists work closely with individuals to diagnose and treat conditions related to the pelvic floor, using exercises, manual therapy, and education to improve muscle strength and functionality.

One of the primary focuses of pelvic floor therapy is aiding women after childbirth. Pregnancy and delivery can significantly weaken these muscles, leading to various issues like urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. Through targeted exercises and therapy, women can regain strength and control in this area, enhancing their overall quality of life.

It's not just limited to postpartum care, though. Men and women of all ages can benefit from pelvic floor therapy. For men, it can help with issues like chronic pelvic pain or post-prostatectomy problems. And for women, beyond postpartum care, it can address pelvic pain, endometriosis, and other gynecological conditions.

Moreover, pelvic floor therapy isn't solely about exercises. Therapists also provide education on lifestyle changes, bladder habits, and ergonomic improvements that can significantly impact pelvic health.

The field is continually evolving, with research and advancements improving therapeutic approaches. As awareness grows, more individuals are seeking help for issues they might have once considered taboo or inevitable.

If you're considering pelvic floor physical therapy, it's essential to find a qualified and experienced therapist. The therapy is highly personalized, and a skilled therapist will tailor the treatment to an individual's specific needs.

Remember, seeking help for pelvic floor issues is not only about addressing physical discomfort but also about improving overall well-being and confidence. It's about regaining control and leading a fuller, more comfortable life.